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Chance on Cosmic Keys - Episode 43: Festivals and the Occult

I’m on the newest episode of Cosmic Keys Podcast with Dan and Scarlet, where we talked about my personal journey and discussed the beautiful and transformative elements of festival culture. Then we went into a heavy dose of red pills, followed by speculation on the occulted side of the music and festival scenes, and you got a pretty interesting show! In their second hour extension I got to give an I Ching oracle and discuss some Taoist ideas I vibe with. It was an epic chat and I’m looking forward to getting the cosmic keys team on InnerVerse soon.

You can get the second hour of this show from the Cosmic Keys Patreon or by joining InnerVerse Plus+ because Dan and Scarlet were nice enough to let me upload their member’s only part of the show to our members. Thanks to them again! I love having a chance to stretch out my ideas and think deeply through conversation.

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