White Magnetic Mirror "Day Out of Time" & Biofield Sound Healing Session with Heather Elizabeth


Heather Elizabeth (https://www.shineheatherelizabeth.one/) invited me to  talk about the 13 Moon Dreamspell Calendar's Day Out of Time, which was  on the same day as my "Galactic Birthday" (118 White Magnetic Mirror). I shared what I've learned about the WMM 118 Codespell and how it applies to Seal the Matrix of Endlessness that humanity has been struggling with for generations.   

At the end of the video I did a biofield sound healing session with my solar harmonic tuning forks, so stick around for the end! Note: This was the first type of "live" remote biofield tuning I've done so I had no idea how it sounded and I was not on my normal recording gear. 


Learn more about Biofield Tuning - https://www.biofieldtuning.com   

White Magnetic Mirror Codespell (118) 

I Unify in order to Reflect, 

Attracting Order. 

I seal the Matrix of Endlessness 

With the Magnetic tone of Purpose.

I am guided by my own power doubled.