Natural Law

What is Natural Law?

The study of Natural Law is the investigation of universal principles that apply to all people and situations. These principles are similar to the laws of physics, but include dynamics beyond the physical, material realm. These laws guide the flow of energy between people and determine the outcome of events in our shared reality. By learning Natural Law principles, a being can begin practicing Right Action, and align their behavior with their intentions, and unlock the true power of manifestation that we each have, as images of the creator/creation/universal mind.

Why Is Natural Law Important?

At the most basic level, Natural Law is the recognition of cause and effect. By observing the relationship between cause and effect, humanity can begin to rise above the plane of effects, and become free of the unrecognized negative consequences of their behavior. Natural Law is deeply intertwined with ethics and morality. The universe has a built-in morality, just as human beings have an innate conscience that can be ignored or serve as a compass (compassion). Ignorance of Natural Law is what keeps humanity in the condition of slavery.

Leave Moral Relativism Behind

The belief that truth is relative is the main impediment keeping humanity from achieving freedom and enlightenment. If you believe the statement that “There’s no such thing as absolute truth,” ask yourself, is that statement true?


Natural Law Teachers

Mark Passio - What On Earth Is Happening

One of the greatest teachers of Natural Law in our current Age is Mark Passio. As a former secret society member and practicing Satanist, Mark was taught Natural Law by the very power-elite that the wield knowledge as a weapon to manipulate humanity. Mark’s website, What On Earth Is Happening is a phenomenal resource with many years of accumulated research on a variety of Natural Law principles. These topics include Mind Control, Manifestation, Universal Principles, Rights and Freedom, the difference between Magick and Sorcery, and much more.

This playlist contains a collection of Mark Passio’s seminars and makes a fantastic introduction to the study of Natural Law. This information will serve you better, for free, than thousands of dollars spent at universities.


Dylan Saccoccio - Author of Spirit Whirled

Dylan Saccoccio is an author and researcher who teaches the Sacred Science, a syncretic and advanced aspect of Natural Law. The Sacred Science is the convergence of multiple spiritual mythologies and wisdom traditions. Like Natural Law itself, this information has been hidden from humanity and hoarded by secret societies over countless ages. Saccoccio’s book series, Spirit Whirled, contains valuable information about the nature of the construct in which we exist, the Astro Logos (word of God in the Heavens), and Onomancy, which is the study of etymology and unrecognized layers of meaning in language. Onomancy is also known as Green Language, or the “Language of the Birds.” The Word, or Logos, is the patterns of vibration that manifest the patterns of matter in nature, and in human thinking.

More about Spirit Whirled from the book’s description:

You know something is wrong. The paradigm you live in is unjust, rigged against those without money, and completely unsustainable from both an economic and ecosystemic standpoint. Maybe you already know what’s going on but don’t have the time or resources to bring others up to speed. Refer them to this book. Maybe you have no idea what’s going on but you can feel the spiritual and physical wickedness eroding your way of life, your rights, your purchasing power, your health, and your ability to make a living. You don’t have time to sacrifice a decade of your life to research it and need something that is both clear and efficient at bringing you up to speed so that you can take action and help others. This book is for you.

The main benefit of the Spirit Whirled series is that it will provide you with the knowledge to understand where you are at all times and not allow other people to transfer your property, rights, or life into man-made constructs where they can be controlled, limited, deprived, or rationed. All control and tyranny is based on jurisdiction and many of the tricks being used to deprive you of your freedom and sovereignty are based on the hidden mechanisms by which you are unknowingly lured (or compelled) into certain jurisdictions where despots claim to have the right to enforce their whims upon you. Man-made civilization is in a terrible condition, but that condition can be changed and it starts with you. Don’t give up. If the situation were hopeless, they wouldn’t have to scheme against you so often. Even now you can see their artificial paradigm collapsing. You’re the one you’ve been waiting for.

Never in all of history have the elements been arrayed against the evil manifest in tyranny and slavery as they are today.

The dreams that burn in the hearts of billions have been growing stronger through the millennia.

The children of this world are owed a liberty from slavery that few are able to comprehend.

This is the most exciting era in all of human history; it is the dawn of the freedom of mankind.
— From Jeremy Locke - The End of All Evil

This brief book is a great resource for understanding the causes of humanity’s current condition. It’s also free. Share it far and wide.


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