Lucas King | Electro-Syncretic Perspectives: Innovating Holistic Models & The Cosmic Life Fractal


It's Flat as F***, Mate!

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Lucas King is a gentleman farmer, heliocentricism dissident, electric universe researcher and excellent musician. In this far-ranging conversation we discuss kinesiology and the innate intelligence of the body, remote energy healing, the galvanic battery flat earth cosmology, intellectually integrating the various systems of astrology, evidence against the precession of the zodiac through supposed ages, synodic and sidereal planetary cycles, and the magic relationship of the number 27 to sky-clock timekeeping. All that in just the first hour!

Join InnerVerse Plus+ to unlock the second hour of this podcast and access the archive of extended episodes!

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In the Plus+ Extension, we get into the Mercurial Jesus, taking a natural pace with manifesting one's desired life, questioning the common conception of what stars might be, the superconductor mechanics of the firmament, the role of the luminaries (planets) within the universal battery, the relevance of the septenary in metaphysics, and recognizing Polaris as the center of the cosmos.