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Hakan Hisim | Translating Xenoglossolalia: The Psychedelic Tricksters & Spiritual Liberation

Deciphering The Codes of Reality...

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The great visionary artist Hakan Hisim returns to InnerVerse! In the four years since he last appeared on the show, Hakan has completed a massive magnum opus called The Universal Transmissions Codex, a culmination of his lifelong fascination with xenolinguistics and the strange glyphs and symbols that astral explorers and psychedelic adventurers often report seeing overlaid on our reality. We also discuss the mindsets necessary for making it as a professional artist, as well as the technological language that are our bodies and chakra systems. This one is jam packed with wisdom!


In the oversized Plus+ Extension, Hakan shares a deeply personal account of his spiritual dark night of the soul, in which he found himself locked away in a maximum security prison in Turkey with no light at the end of the tunnel. In this tale, Hakan recounts his encounters with tantra teaching dream guides, the experimental psychedelics that turned his life upside down, and the incredible self-realization he achieved while in jail that ultimately transformed his reality and set him free. Easily one of the greatest stories ever told in any podcast, anywhere, so don't miss it.


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InnerVerse intro theme by Conspiracy Music Guru -