Dr. Christopher McIntosh | Occult Germany: Investigating the Old Gods, Mystics & Magicians


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Dr. Christopher McIntosh joins InnerVerse to discuss his new book, Occult Germany, a work inspired by his love and fascination for the mystical secrets of this ancient nation. Tune in to walk the line between history and myth, as we discover Parzival and the Holy Grail and other sacred Germanic relics, consider Abraxas & the alchemical union of opposites, search for the Roman roots of Germanophobia, and find synchronicity with Saxon beliefs and the universal religion.


In the Plus+ Extension, you'll hear about the Irminsul, sacred trees, and the crucified savior, mystical water rites of Easter, the Odic force and Orgone energy, Rosicrucian mirror magic technology, Wagner and sacred festival dramas, the ups & downs of German Neo-Paganism, and universal vs. local truths. All that and much more!


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