Waters Above | Practical Number Mysticism & Mastermind Decoding of the Modern Monomyth


Spiritually Speculating On Self…

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Waters Above joins InnerVerse to discuss his work decoding the societal matrix, using symbolic literacy to project potential outcomes in world events and financial markets, and teaching others the necessary keys to do the same. We discuss gematria, numerology and astrology, what's up with the waters above and the outer space myth, numbers as qualities, the universal soul, decoder mastermind courses, the philosophy of self-work, & trading victimhood emptiness for creative fulfillment.


The Plus+ Extension contains wisdom about how the monomyth expresses through media events, understanding artificial entities through the lens of human psychology, the mystical calendar cycle of commerce and markets, maritime rituals with birth & placenta, "shower thoughts" superpowers, healthy investment mindsets as opposed to playing in a crypto casino, and what the year of the Dragon pattern portends for 2024.


Join InnerVerse Plus+ for exclusive extended episodes!










InnerVerse intro theme by Conspiracy Music Guru - https://www.conspiracymusicguru.com