Bernie Taylor | The Primal Hero Before Orion: Cave and Rock Art, & Mankind's Original Mythology


Their Rock Is Not As Our Rock...

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Naturalist and ArcheoAstronomer, Bernie Taylor, joins InnerVerse to discuss his groundbreaking work, Before Orion: Finding the Face of the Hero. In this discussion, we discover the monomyth in ancient cave wall rock art, search for the identity of the Cosmic Man, consider the magnitude of primal pareidolia, discern tribal customs and laws from cave art, and ponder ancient clues as to the origin of constellations. 


In the Plus+ Extension, we discuss biological time as encoded in rock art, the beginnings of animalistic calendrical symbolism, the Atlas mountains as the potential birthplace of astronomy, the reason for caves as the first initiation spaces, the mythical underpinnings of pseudo-scientific cosmology such as the big bang and multiverse, the first written languages, and the Tifinagh script of North Africa.


Subscribe to get the 2nd half of this Episode with InnerVerse Plus+ on Rokfin and Patreon!










InnerVerse intro theme by Conspiracy Music Guru -