Gregory Ripley | Hundred Remedies of the Tao: Mystic Taoism, Stellar Ritual, & the Wu Wei Flow


Emanations of the Ineffable...

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Gregory Ripley is a Taoist Priest in the Quanzhen Longmen tradition, and a Forest Therapy Guide. In this episode we discuss his brand new book, One Hundred Remedies of the Tao: Spiritual Wisdom for Interesting Times. Throughout this conversation we discuss Wu Wei and achieving "the zone" flow states, how philosophy acts as medicine, syncretism between the mystery schools of ancient far east and Occident, the role of luminaries and the pole star in Taoism, and much more.


In the Plus+ Extension, we investigate the relationship of the living to their ancestors, the primordial being Pangu, dynastic cycles as world age revolutions, the emperor as sacred center, eclipses and the saving of the sun ritual, Mercury and internal alchemy, and how to keep hold of our spiritual epiphanies in times of dissonance.


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