Rachel Fulton Brown | Mystic Christianity, Tolkien's Cosmogony, & The Logos of Created Worlds


You can only come to the morning through the shadows...

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Professor Rachel Fulton Brown joins InnerVerse to talk Tolkien! In this lively discussion we explore Tolkien's mytho-mystic Christian convictions as allegorized in his great works, the Lord of the Rings and its massive legendarium. Topics include the Logos, Eros, the Gods & planets, and the purpose of evil and dissonance. What does it mean to be a creator in a created world?


In the Plus+ Extension, we examine world mountain and axis mundi symbolism, Earendil and Anglo Saxon literature, strategic philology, the unfinished sequel to the LOTR story, why civilizations fall, and the mystery of cryptid creatures and alternate humanoids of folklore.


Subscribe to get the 2nd half of this Episode with InnerVerse Plus+ on Rokfin and Patreon!


Check out my new audiobook narration of Spirit Whirled: The Holy Sailors - https://tinyurl.com/4wyd5ecs










InnerVerse intro theme by Conspiracy Music Guru - https://www.conspiracymusicguru.com